Council Meeting October 4, 2021 Agenda

New Wilmington Borough Council


October 4, 2021

6:30 P.M.


Meeting held in person at municipal office.


Meeting to Order and Pledge


Roll Call


Approval of Minutes for September 7, 2021


President’s Correspondence and other communications:

Interviewing for Office Position

Other job listings

Secretary’s Correspondence and other communications:

Kiwanis and Chamber of Commerce requesting donation from the Borough for Halloween Parade

Arise- Formerly Crisis Shelter of Lawrence County- requesting permission to put up purple ribbons in Oct for Domestic Violence Awareness.

Kiwanis and Boy Scouts teaming up to host a book sale- Looking for location(s) for book drops off and storage place several weeks.

Shenango on the Green looking for participation for their Adopt-a- Resident program.  Flyers available in person at meeting, at Borough office and on Borough website.

Resolution for Hazard Mitigation Plan (safety- emergency management plan updated)

Resolution Wireless Facilities Design Manual for the Regulations of Small Wireless Facilities

Acknowledge New Life Baptist Church for their Thank You card associated with their pavilion rental

Thank you to State Farm- for lunch on National Good Neighbor Day – Jill, Jeff, and Deb.

Mayor’s Report:    

Monthly police report

Pool / Park Report:

Pool officially closed for season

Finished last events at pavilion and Amphitheater

Paving finished for Amphitheater parking lot

Finance Report:

Receipts and expenditures August

MuniBilling status

Financial Software


Minimum Municipal Obligations for non uniformed employees’ requirement

Uniformed Pension (from last month)

Received state aid for Municipal Pension


Sanitation Report:



Streets Report:

Youngblood Paving starting our paving project

Economic Development Report:


Report for Electric:

Past due accounts

Monthly zoning report

  • Violation letters are in the works for zoning violations

Ordinance Proposal for closings on properties


Borough Superintendent Report:


Unfinished Business ready for action:


Unfinished Business, not ready for action:


Solicitor’s Report:


New Business:


Review and authorization to pay bills.




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