BACKFLOW PREVENTION SYSTEM (condensed from Borough Code) The New Wilmington Municipal Authority and the consumer have the joint responsibility for protection of the public water supply system from contamination because of the backflow of contaminants through the water service connection. Therefore, the consumer shall install, in accordance with this ordinance, an approved prevention device, at his own expense; and failure, refusal or inability, on the part of the consumer, to install such device or devices, shall constitute grounds for discontinuing water service to the premises until such device or devices have been installed. As the ownership of any residential property changes, and Where that residential property has a service connection to the public water supply system, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed prior to the initiation of the new water service account. Any new construction and sold residences will be added to the plan at the time of connection to the Borough’s water system. All new construction and sold residences must install a residential double check valve assembly (DCVA ) and a non-removable hose bibb vacuum breaker at all hose connections.
For additional information, contact the New Wilmington Borough office or refer to Ordinance Code Chapter A284~8 (POLICIES)